I’ve Fallen off the Wagon

I’ve Fallen off the Wagon

I don’t know about you, but it’s only Feb. 2 and I’ve already fallen off the wagon, If I were really honest, I’d admit that I never quite got both legs off the ground and up into the wagon…I’ve been dragging one foot and bouncing along the ground a number of times. Sigh.
And no, it’s not the typical alcohol wagon that I’ve fallen off, it’s the SUGAR wagon. I do have an excuse though, really I do! It’s Valentine’s Day and Easter. I mean honestly, the stores know my weakness for sugar and they’re purposely loading the shelves for both holidays right now. I can’t walk into ANY store it seems, without bumping head on into a candy aisle.

How about you? Are you struggling with one or more of your goals that you really wanted to keep this year? Or did you make it all the way through January and are doing great? Feel free to leave a comment and share if you even set a goal, and if so, how you are doing? And if anyone wants help being accountable let me know. I’ve got a great support group on Facbook that I’ll plug you into that have agreed to help hold one another accountable.

One thought on “I’ve Fallen off the Wagon

  1. Miralee,

    One of my goals for January was to join WW, but that hasn’t happened.

    I know how tempting all that great stuff is on the shelves at this time of year. I’m a diabetic and this is one of the worst times to go to the store. I’m rooting for you. All anyone can expect is that you try your best to resist temptation.

    Enjoy your weekend.

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