Book Update—It’s Online!

Book Update—It’s Online!

I have to admit to just a bit of excitement as my book is now available for pre-order online. Of course, it’s not available until October, but advance sales would be wonderful.
The Other Daughter is on,, and (Christianbook has an author interview).
Your credit card won’t be charged until the book ships in October, but if you decide to order one, you’ll be assured a copy as soon as it breaks. Simply type in my name (Miralee Ferrell) in the search engine to find my book.

I’m responsible for about 65% of the marketing to ensure my book is successful. The sales numbers will dictate whether or not my sequel (which I’m working on now) comes under contract. I hope you’ll consider checking out my web page and passing along this info to your friends!

You can read the opening scene of the book (so you’ll know if it interests you) by visiting my web site at You can also read my bio (how she came to write this book), and a few articles I’ve had published.
Thanks for your help…if you want to cut and paste the text in this blog and email it to any friend who you think might be interest, that would be a huge blessing!
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