Win a Free Book from Kimberly Rose Johnson
Kimberly Rose Johnson is joining me today, and we’re going to do something a little different than most blogs. YOU will be interviewing her. If you want to win a copy of her new title, A Romance Rekindled, simply ask Kimberly a question and leave a way for me to contact you in case you win.
Here’s a little more about Kimberly…
Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two teenage sons, and their yellow lab. She writes sweet Christian romance for Heartsong Presents and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She enjoys taking long walks with her husband and dog, reading, dark chocolate and time with friends.
You can connect with Kimberly on her website
A Rafflecopter form is at the bottom of this post. You have other ways to earn an entry… sign up for Kimberly’s newsletter here
Her new book is the second in a series set in Leavenworth, Washington.
A Romance Rekindled
Susan Hill Isn’t Ready to Forgive
The small-town CPA can’t forget how Blake Mitchell jilted her and left their hometown without an explanation. But when her first love returns to Leavenworth, the ruggedly handsome writer evokes conflicting emotions, especially when Susan meets the child she assumes is his daughter.
Since his parents’ deaths six years ago, Blake’s been raising his little sister on his own. But he’s never forgotten the woman he left behind. Now, he can’t undo the past, but maybe he can change the future…if he can convince Susan to give him one more chance.
You can find Kimberly several places online:
Other ways you can enter ALONG with asking Kimberly a question–Subscribe to Kimberly’s newsletter (the form is on her website)
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I’m having trouble getting the Rafflecopter form to load here, so if you don’t see it below, please click here to find the form….this is my old blog that I’ll be discontinuing soon.
This contest is only open to US residents. The author is providing a copy of her own book, and there’s no cost to enter. Be sure you check that you want to see new comments, so you’ll know when Kimberly answers your question! Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
24 thoughts on “Win a Free Book from Kimberly Rose Johnson”
Thanks for hosting me, Miralee! This should be fun.
Hi Miss Miralee! Hi Kimberly! Miss Kimberly I have yet to read any of your books but I am looking forward to them now that I have found you as a new author. What is your favorite book that you have written and why? I’ll know which to start with.
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn & Google Plus.
Thanks for your question, Wanda! I think my favorite must be the by debut novel The Christmas Promise. It was the first book I sold, so it’s very special to me. It’s also the first book in my series that takes place in Leavenworth, WA. Each book stands alone, but all the heroines in the series were introduced in The Christmas Promise.
Mrs. Johnson,
Where is your favorite place to write, and how many books have you written?
Hi, Angie. I write at home either at my desk or on the couch.
I have written five books that are either published or are contracted and will release within the next nine months.
I probably have seven unpublished, and not contracted manuscripts on my computer.
Thanks for your questions!
Hi, Kimberly! I am fascinated with the writing process! What is the most difficult part of the writing process for you? What do you enjoy the most?
texaggs2000 at gmail dot com
Hi, Britney. I’d say the hardest part of the writing process is wrapping up the last few chapters. I really struggle with endings. I tend to rush and almost always have to rework my endings.
Good post and the book sounds really fun. Can’t wait to read it.
iambrassy….if you want to enter to win Kimberly’s book, you need to ask a question. We’d hate to leave you out!!
MIralee, Thanks for hosting! It is always fun to enter a giveaway. I certainly enjoy being introduced to new authors. And this book sounds like a page turner, I can already begin imagining what might happen – hopefully love wins out in the end.
Kimberly, Nice to find you and hope to get to read some of your books soon. How long have you been writing and what got you interested in it? Thanks for the giveaway!!
I’ve loved books since I was a child and when I discovered romance books in the seventh grade I became addicted to reading. I found Janet Oke books in my school library and read every one they stocked.
I also enjoyed Louis Lamour books. I read other books too, but I don’t remember what series they were a part of–all I remember is that they were written for teen girls.
I’ve always had an active imagination and never had problems in school with writing prompts. That should have clued me in, but it didn’t. It wasn’t until I was in my early thirties that the idea of writing took root in me.
A long answer just to tell you I’ve been writing since 2005. I had a story in my head I had to get out, then another and another …J
Thanks for the question!
I shared on G+ and twitter, but did it from the other blog, I couldnt find your share buttons on this blog.
Thanks for sharing, Amy!
This sounds like a great book.
I shared on twitter and facebook.
susanmsj at msn dot com
Thanks for sharing, Susan! Do you have a question for me?
Thanks for your contest, Kimberly, What genre do you usually read?
Hi, Sharon. I read and enjoy several genre’s, but the one I read the most is contemporary romance with romantic suspense being a very close second.
I also read historical prairie and western since that’s what two of my critique partners write.
Hello Miralee! It’s so awesome and fun that you’re hosting a giveaway for a fellow author. Kimberly, it’s so nice to meet another Christian romance author! I was reading in another reply that you said your favorite genre is contemporary romance with suspense romance as a close second… Me too!
My question is: How do you come up with stories? Do you draw from real life experiences?
I shared on Facebook and Twitter!
May God bless you in your writing journey!
Hi Sarah, real life will often inspires a story. For example, I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day and I recently contracted a book based on an idea I came up with ON Valentine’s Day. But the story has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a real life experience. My working title is Valentine’s Day Blues and it will release in March from Heartsong Presents.
I have a very active imagination and can come up with a story idea from almost any inspiration.
I just get these ideas in my head and run with them.
I have one manuscript I wrote last year that I chewed on for several months before doing anything with it and then there are times a story hits me and I just go for it. I really don’t know where all the ideas come from except perhaps God puts them there. He definitely gave me a creative mind. J
Valentine Day Blues… I’m glad that book has no real life experience to it!
Isn’t God great? He knew you needed a creative imagination!!
Me too, Sarah! Yes, He is indeed great!
Hi Kimberly. I’m looking forward to reading your books. Did you take writing courses, or did you learn on your own? All you authors fascinate me!
Hi, Iris. I have attended many writers conferences where I’ve taken a tons of courses. I like to joke with my family that a writers conference is like a semester long writing class packed into a few days–that’s really not much of a stretch.:)
I’ve also read many books on writing and have taken online courses.
Finally I’ve learned from my critique partners by being open to constructive criticism.
I don’t know if you’d call that learning on my own since I didn’t go to any formal school setting for writing, but I definitely would not be published today were it not for organizations like ACFW that offer tons of classes online and at their conferences.
Thanks for the question!
Angie Brasher is our winner of Kimberly’s book. Congratulations, Angie!