Catch Us if You CAN, Stop # 8

We hope you enjoy meeting Christian Author Network members as you chase down clues for the chance to win our grand prize: $200 in gift cards from CBD, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon, plus 29 free books, one from each participating CAN author!
· 2nd & 3rd Prizes: $50 Amazon, B&N, or CBD gift certificate!
· Catch us on this hunt beginning at Noon on Friday, 03/21/14 and ending at Midnight on Thursday, 03/27/14. No need to hurry as you search for clues—you have almost an entire week! If you need help with any part of this hunt, click here. Enjoy 29 stops, each featuring a different CAN author!
· 2nd & 3rd Prizes: $50 Amazon, B&N, or CBD gift certificate!
· Catch us on this hunt beginning at Noon on Friday, 03/21/14 and ending at Midnight on Thursday, 03/27/14. No need to hurry as you search for clues—you have almost an entire week! If you need help with any part of this hunt, click here. Enjoy 29 stops, each featuring a different CAN author!
CAN Treasure Hunt with guest Jocelyn Green
Jocelyn, you write both fiction and nonfiction, but they have something in common: war. Why is that?
Well, not just war—hope and courage in the midst of it. I’m a former military wife, so my first books were devotionals written for military wives who, like me, craved spiritual nourishment. After I’d been writing nonfiction for a few years, switching to historical fiction set in the Civil War era was an exciting change of pace. I strive to inspire faith and courage in all my readers, whether they are reading my devotions or my novels.
Your novel Widow of Gettysburg focuses on the civilian experience during that famous battle in 1863, and its aftermath. If we visit Gettysburg, will we be able to see anything that’s mentioned in your novel?
Yes! There is a list in the back of the novel of all the sites, but two of my favorites would be the Seminary Ridge Museum (pictured on the cover of the novel); And The Shriver House Museum.
For travel guides related to my first novel, Wedded to War, check out this blog post on historic sites of Washington DC, and this one on historic sites of New York City.
What’s next?
My third novel: Yankee in Atlanta. It’s a story about two families torn apart by war. Two hearts divided by love and honor. In a land shattered by strife and suffering, a Union veteran and a Rebel soldier test the limits of loyalty and discover the courage to survive. The official release is June, but it’s available for pre-order now.
Where can readers find out more about you?
Please join me on my Web site!
I’d also love to see you:
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· On Goodreads:
Award-winning author Jocelyn Green inspires faith and courage in her readers through both fiction and nonfiction. A former military wife herself, she offers encouragement and hope to military wives worldwide through her Faith Deployed ministry. Her novels, inspired by real heroines on America’s home front, are marked by their historical integrity and gritty inspiration. Wedded to War, her first novel, was a Christy Award finalist in 2013.
Before you go, write down this STOP #8 clue–of publishing.
WAIT! Check out this giveaway! Leave a comment and leave your email here and I will enter your name into a drawing for a copy of your choice of any of the three books in my Love Blossoms in Oregon series. Be sure you use the Rafflecopter form below, as it will enable you to have extra entries to win. Be sure you leave a way to contact you. Sorry, books can only be shipped to U.S. addresses.
Forget Me Not is my newest release, and is available on Kindle right now for only $2.99! Paperback coming via Amazon soon for $7.50. Click here to read the summary and purchase a copy.
Now, proceed to stop #9 Click HERE for Jocelyn Green’s blog for your next clue & continued chances to win!
78 thoughts on “Catch Us if You CAN, Stop # 8”
Would love to get one of your books. I am enjoying the hunt so far.
Connie Brown
Hi, thank you for the post, I’ve never read any of Jocelyn Green’s books but they sound like they are perfect for me. I love history, especially Civil War era 🙂
shenpixel at gmail dot com
Just recently I discovered the Love Blossoms in Oregon series and added it to my to-read list. Even though I haven’t read them yet, I think it’s neat that they’re set in OR, as I’ve grown up going there often.
I have read Blowing on Dandelions and eagerly wait to read Wishing on Buttercups. I have also read Love Finds You in Tombstone, Last Chance and Bridal Veil, and enjoyed all of them. Thank you for the giveaway.
koho143 (at) hotmail (dot) com
TERESA, it’s great to meet you! If you love Civil War history, I think you’d really enjoy my Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series. Each book is inspired by real heroines who actually lived. In the back of each novel, I have a section called The History Behind the Story which explains which events and people were historical, and which were purely fictional. Hope you entered to win a copy on my blog post! Have fun, everyone! 🙂
I love the covers of your books! They are beautiful and I can’t wait to read the content!
Miralee, I have read Blowing On Dandelions. I am waiting on Wishing on Buttercups and cant wait to read your new one!
I have not had the pleasure of reading Jocelyn’s books yet.
LORA, thank you! Unless you were directing your comment to Miralee, in which case I’d say yes, I agree! I do love Miralee’s covers. Just beautiful, and her writing is just as lovely. 🙂
I have a copy of Blowing on Dandelions, but have not gotten to it yet. I love books in a series though and once I start one I tend to search for the others.
andrea2russia at hotmail dot com
That is really neat and useful feature. I’ve went to Amazon and added your books to my Kindle wish list. Being in Virginia, growing up I visited a most of the historical sites, so that is of major interest to me. When I get better I would love to continue to do that with my husband in the future, so this would be great to do with your books 🙂 Thanks for that info.
I look forward to reading your books, my aunt purchased Widow of Gettysburg for me after I had my second cancer related surgery. She didn’t realize it was book two of the Heroines Behind the Lines series (if I’m not mistaken), She knew it was my kind of book by the title alone. So, I haven’t read it yet, I still need to get the first book.
srankintx (at) yahoo (dot) com
I so appreciate the comment about the lovely covers….as I just told Jocelyn yesterday how much I like her book covers…and I’m thrilled with mine, as well!
Thank you, ladies, for your sweet comments about reading one of the books in my series so far and looking forward to reading the others. I hope you get a chance to do so!
Teresa, you need to be sure and read some of Jocelyn’s books!! You’ll be glad you did.
Sereina, I’m so tickled to hear you recently discovered me books, thank you!
Heather, you mentioned three of my four Love Finds You books, so now I’m curious, did you happen to also read the one set in Sundance, WY?
Thank you, Connie, Andrea, Lora and Jackie, for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!
So many new authors. Really looking forward to reading your books. Just my style! Having so much fun on the “Hunt”, thank you for being a part of it!
I have not read any of your books yet, though they sound really interesting. I’m finding a lot of books to add to my to-read list!
I’ve never read any of your books but I’m going to check some out of the library!
I’ve not read any of your books but certainly want to!
I’ve read the first two books and enjoyed them! Looking forward to reading Pastor Seth’s story!
Gals, thanks so much for your comments! Jocelyn and I both appreciate it, even when we don’t know for sure which books you’re commenting on. 🙂 Sandra and Heide, once you read Seth’s story, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I haven’t read any of your books yet! Would so love to win the first one in this series!
Would love to win one of your books. Love the covers!!
I have the first two books, Blowing on Dandelions and Wishing on Buttercups, but they are still sitting in my to-read stack.. I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately 🙁 But I can’t wait to read them, they sound like interesting books.
I’m having a great time doing this scavenger hunt! Thanks for the opportunity to win some wonderful books!
I would love to have a ny of your books. I’ve heard wonderful reviews about them. Thank you for participating in the scavenger hunt and for the opportunity of this giveaway.
Barbara Thompson
Love the scavenger hunt! Your books look interesting!
I have not read any yet but I do have Last Chance waiting in my to be read collection
Not read any yet but I do have love finds you in Last Chance in my to read books!
Samantha T
Have not read any yet but they are on my to read list.
I really enjoy the time period you write about. I think your books would be very interesting indeed.
what great prize
Sadly I have not read any of your books Miralee and I love your lecture with your beautiful horse.
jennydtipton at gmail dot com
I haven’t read any of your books but like the cover of “Love Blossoms in Orange”. I know, don’t judge a book by its cover. 😀
I haven’t read the series, but I heard it’s amazing! I was bummed when I missed the FB party earlier this week! 🙁 Looking forward to reading your series though!
sylvesternator (at) yahoo (dot) com
Gals, thanks so much for your comments! Jocelyn and I both appreciate it, even when we don’t know for sure which books you’re commenting on. 🙂 Sandra and Heidi, once you read Seth’s story, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Cheryl, I didn’t realize you hadn’t read any of my books yet. Can’t wait till you do….same with you, NatureFairy….after you read Blowing on Dandelions, I’d love to know what you think, or read your review.
Thank you all for stopping in…Carol, Barabara, Samantha, Shirley, Virginia, Jennifer….to all of you who are taking the time to make the rounds on the hunt!! Blessings to you all!
Marilee…what love covers, titles, and I’m sure books. Looking forward to reading them!
Jocelyn, I’ve been seeing the covers of your novels, and they are on my wish list!
I have never read any of your books but I would like to. I enjoy historical fiction and I live in eastern Pa and close to Gettysburg. The civil war era has always interested me. My email is momndad243atyahoodotcom.
I haven’t read any of your books, but would love to. Thanks for the chance! Ninjaspy13(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to read /win any of these three books.
MARIANNE and POLLY, it’s wonderful to connect with you–and all of you readers/hunters! People often ask if they can read my novels in any order or if the series is chronological. I would say, if you are only interested in Gettysburg, you can easily read just Widow of Gettysburg (book 2 in the series) and enjoy it as a stand-alone. However, if you think you might end up reading all the books, I’d start with Wedded to War (book 1) because there is some character overlap.
The funny thing about that is that I wouldn’t have done it that way if it weren’t for readers who kept saying they wanted to see more of the characters to see their storylines resolve. So kudos to readers who interact with authors! You definitely made a difference in my series! 🙂
I would love to read one of your books. Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt.
Thanks for this! I can’t wait for Yankee to come out. Also love Miralee’s books!
lattebooks at hotmail dot com
I would love to win one of your books. Thank you for being part of this hunt. It is such fun.
susanmsj at msn dot com
I have your 1st 2 books in this series and really enjoy your writing.(Blowing On Dandelions & Wishing On Buttercups) sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have never read any of your books but always looking for new books to read. I love your titles.
Would love to read your books! Thanks for sharing. Love to learn about Christian books & authors.
Hi Miralee. Loved your interview with Jocelyn. I still only have the first of your war series. Thought sure I won the second once but never remembered where. I do have number 1 of this set two so would be great to win another to go with it. Thanks for a chance to win. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
The titles are historical and catch interest.
God bless!
Eeek! Sadly, no, I haven’t read any of your books! They all are, though, on my to-read-list! 🙂
~Lindsey Z.
booksforchristiangirls (at) yahoo (dot) com
I haven’t read any of your books but they all look great! They are now on my to-read-list. The list keeps growing throughout this scavenger hunt!
Would like to read your books they look like a good read. thank you for the opportunity –
I have not read any of your books – but they sound great!
This comment has been removed by the author.
This sounds like a neat series! I love historical romances, though I’ve never read Love Blossoms in Oregon.
This series sounds just wonderful. I love historical fiction and very much enjoy the stories set in the west.
Glad you are part of this scavenger hunt!
I love these scavenger hunts, they’re so cool! 🙂 All three books look really good!
I would love to read one of your books!
I’ve never read any of your “Love Blossoms in Oregon” series, but I’m highly interested, since I love historical fictions, especially those set in times of war. Keep up the good work! ^^
i c a e s t h e r (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m
I haven’t read them yet.
I can’t wait to read forget me not I enjoyed the previous books.
thanks for being apart of the scavenger hunt
Really hoping to win.
I love books and would love to win one of yours! Thanks for the giveaway
I would love to be entered. I commented on the last stop thinking it was for this. I read the first one in the series and loved it!! Have the next two on my wish list:) Would be great to win one. Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t think I’ve read any of your books yet. They sound wonderful though and I hope to read some soon!
amyputney89 [at] gmail [dot] com
I hope to read some of your books soon! thanks–Connie
chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com
Hi Miralee! I have not read any of your books yet, but I do own Blowing on Dandelions and I can’t wait to read your Love Blossoms in Oregon series. The only reason why I haven’t read Dandelions is because I hate starting a book series and not having every book in reach! I’m a bit impatient in that sense!
I have read both Blowing on Dandelions and Wishing on Buttercups. I loved both of them and would love to win Forget-Me-Not. I’m enjoying the scavenger hunt very much. Thanks for being a part of it.
I love reading Christian novels! This whole scavenger hunt is so much fun!
I was lucky to read and review Wishing On Buttercups.
Thank you for hosting this stop on the Scavenger Hunt!
Blessings! Jasmine
I am looking forward to reading your books. I have a couple of them on hold @ my local library.
Your books sound great. I have never read any of them, but I will definitely add them to my “to read” list.
I don’t recall ever reading any of your books, but I would certainly love to!
I haven’t read anything from either of you but I’d love to.
I haven’t read any of your books yet, but I will keep an eye out for them! Miralee is an unusual name, so I won’t forget it. =)
I haven’t read any of your books yet, but I’d love to add them to my “to be read” stacks! Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt and for the bonus giveaway.
I have never read any of your books but I would love to start!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and Savager Hunt!!!
I have not read any of your books…thanks for the chance!!
I too, love your covers looking forward to reading your books.
New author for me! I would love to win Blowing on Dandelions. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
Thanks for a chance for your books and for participating in the scavenger hunt.