So Much To Do and SO Little Time!

So Much To Do and SO Little Time!

I must say I’m excited and a little overwhelmed all at the same time. September has been the busiest month I’ve experienced so far this year, and it promises to get worse, before it gets better….or should I say, it promises to get better, before it gets worse, LOL! I guess it depends if you view being super busy as a bad thing, or look at it like I have to…that the things keeping me busy are WONDERFUL things. Here’s a quick overview of what my month holds:

The first week of September our family was engrossed in wedding details. Our son Steven and his lovely bride Hannah were married on Sept. 8th…the rehearsal and dinner took place the evening before and we had a 3 hr round trip to take part. A couple of weeks before my mother and I attended the bridal shower and had a wonderful time getting to know Hannah’s extended family. A week after the wedding my hubby, mother and I again traveled to Portland for dinner with Hannah’s parents, and the joy of watching our kids open their gifts. We LOVE our new daughter–she’s a commited Christian and fits into our family so beautifully.

During that same time period we decided to tackle our lawn project. As you know, we moved into our newly constructed home in early July and it’s surrounded by DIRT, which will very soon become MUD! We brought in fill dirt from out of our nearby forest floor. While it’s beautiful dirt for growing, it’s also filled with tons of roots and branches, which all need to be raked out. After it’s raked, we planted seed and are daily watering it, and coaxing the little blades to appear.

I’ve been putting in 2-3 hrs per day on marketing my book, The Other Daughter, which is very close to it’s Oct. 30th release date. I’ve scheduled a book release party at our local library and will be speaking to a couple of large churches in the area about talking to their women’s groups. News releases still need to be written, influencer lists finalized and…well, the list goes on.

Tomorrow I leave for five days for the big American Christian Fiction Writer’s Conference in Dallas, Tx, and to say I’m excited is an under statement. I can’t wait! I get to meet some of my favorite authors who will also be attending, take awesome workshops, socialize with hundreds of other writer’s, and meet with two editors to promote my upcoming potential books I’m considering now.

We’ll be home for 3 days, then my hubby and I will head to N. California. We’ll be driving a rental moving truck and helping our son and his wife move. It’s not a burden at all, we’re looking forward to going, as it’s our first chance to get away together in quite awhile. We plan on touring the Redwood forest while there, and spending a couple of days in a nice hotel getting some much needed R&R.

That brings me to the end of Sept., when I’ll return and have a birthday party for our oldest daughter at our home. Oh, and did I mention the couple dozen pints of peaches I’ve canned, or the work I’ve been doing on my second book? No…oh well…there’s other things I’ve forgotten too, but that’s simply because my brain seems to be turning to mush.

Wait!!! One more thing! The online catalogue for Christian just came out, and my book is on page ONE…yes, page ONE of the “Hot off the Press” list! Wahoo! Not sure how that happened, but I’m thrilled! Also, I’ve gotten two very positive reviews so far…. BE SURE you pick up a Romantic Times Review magazine in early October…they come out around the 10th I think, and turn to the inspirational fiction section where you’ll find a review. It’s considered a very, very tough review magazine and getting a good review there is superb. Just a hint….I did!

That’s it for now. I just took a quick, or not so quick, break from packing but better get back. And after typing all this I realized I did my nails about two hrs ago and I’m afraid to look at them now after pecking at these keys! Yikes! Good night all, and I may not have time to visit with you again, till I return.

One thought on “So Much To Do and SO Little Time!

  1. It seems that every writer’s blog I visit lately says they are off to the ACWF conference… 🙂 I hope it went really well for you – I’ve heard rave reviews from other writers about it. Maybe someday I’ll have to check it out myself.

    Congrats on your son’s wedding. Good luck with all the marketing! It’s a huge job, I’ve heard. 🙂 And congrats on making page 1 and getting a good review! That’s so exciting. I’m really looking forward to reading your novel, and wish you all the best with your next novels.

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