Why Pray? Does it Really Matter
Does God mind if we ask questions about prayer? Or is he like a parent who constantly says when we ask why, “because I said so?”
God doesn’t mind our asking Him ‘why’, in fact, He wants us to care enough about his instructions to want to understand and follow them out of love for Him and a desire to do so.
God tells us that we should pray; in fact, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
The Word tells us to pray, but we often hear that God will do what He wants to regardless, so where does that leave prayer? Do my prayers really matter, or will God do what He wants to do no matter what?
Will my prayers actually change anything that happens in my present or future?
If we really knew that MY prayer could actively change the course of history, would our prayer life improve?
Why don’t we pray more often? Is it because we either don’t believe God answers, or we aren’t seeing evidence that He’s listening? If not, why not?
Dutch Sheets in his book “Intercessory Prayer” says this:
“If God is going to do something regardless of whether or not we pray, then He doesn’t need us to ask and we don’t need another waste of our time. If it’s all que sera, sera, or (what will be, will be), then let’s take a siesta and let it all just happen.
If, On the other hand, John Wesley was correct when he said: God does nothing on earth save in answer to believing prayer:”, I’ll lose a little sleep for that. I’ll change my lifestyle for that. I’ll turn the TV off and even miss a meal or two.”